Please contact us if you want to ship a package exceeding 30 kg to get a special rate.
- Choose the country you want to ship to (Example: Germany)
- Enter the weight of the shipment (must be between 0.5-30 kg)
- If the shipment is of a relatively large size, enter the dimensions of the shipment accurately (activate the “Enter Dimensions” option and enter the length, width, and height in cm).
- Click on the "View Prices" button.
- Choose the shipping company you want and click “Add to Cart”
Non-Shippable Items

Perishable Foods

Flammable Items

Hazardous Materials

Drugs and Narcotics

Weapons and Explosives


Fake or Counterfeit Products

Live Animals

Valuable Items

Sexual Enhancers
Fake or Counterfeit Products: We do not handle shipments of fake or counterfeit products for any worldwide or international brands. An official invoice is required for all genuine brand shipments to ensure authenticity.
Liquids: This includes beverages, oils, perfumes, and cosmetics in liquid form.
Perishable Foods: Fresh fruits, vegetables, meat, and dairy products that can spoil during transit.
Flammable Items: Aerosols, fireworks, matches, lighters, and any goods that are easily combustible.
Hazardous Materials: Chemicals, batteries, paints, and items containing harmful substances.
Drugs and Narcotics: Illegal drugs, as well as certain prescription medications without appropriate documentation.
Weapons and Explosives: Guns, ammunition, bombs, and all types of weapons or explosive devices.
Corrosives: Acids, mercury, and any substances that can corrode materials.
Pressurized Cans: Spray paints, air fresheners, and other items in pressurized containers.
Live Animals: Most shipping services do not allow the shipment of live animals.
Valuable Items: High-value items like jewelry, antiques, and art may be restricted due to the risk of loss or damage.
Sexual tonics: Customs prohibit the entry of most types of sexual tonics, regardless of their consistency, liquid, solid, or gel.